Secondary Gas Regulators

Secondary CO2 keg beer regulators are a must-have piece of equipment for multiple keg draft beer systems. Having a secondary beer gas regulator can give you more flexibility with your system since these regulators allow you to dispense multiple kegs at different pressures. Dispensing multiple kegs at the same pressure is also possible with the help of a distribution bar.

Welcome to where you can choose a secondary beer regulator that will be suitable for your particular draft beer setup. Feel free to browse our catalog by clicking on the items you’re interested in for more details, product images, and prices.

If you are not sure which secondary CO2 regulator or co2 tank and regulator for keg is right for your draft beer dispensing system, let BeverageCraft specialists step in and help you make the right choice. Contact our team via live chat, email or phone - we’ll be there in an instant to provide you with professional consult and assistance.

What Is a Secondary Gas Regulator?

A secondary gas regulator works together with a primary CO2 regulator in a draft beer dispensing system. These regulators are designed for being used with a multiple keg setup since they reduce the pressure from the primary regulator, which is then distributed to each individual keg in the system.

Normally, you would have a pressure of 35-45 PSI set for the primary regulator supplied to a set of two secondary gas regulators reducing it to 12-14 PSI for each keg.

With a commercial-grade double-gauge CO2 beer regulator, you will be able to dispense beer in a system that requires different carbonation levels for different products.

Secondary Gas Regulator Types

Secondary gas regulators come in several varieties:

✓ Depending on the number of gauges

  • Single-gauge beer regulators - measure the dispensing pressure
  • Double-gauge beer regulators - measure the dispensing pressure and the amount left in the tank

✓ Depending on the number of products

  • 1-body secondary gas regulator
  • 2-body secondary gas regulator
  • 3-body secondary gas regulator

BeverageCraft offers secondary gas regulators that can go up to 5 products.

✓ Depending on the pressure

  • Secondary regulators for dispensing multiple kegs at different pressures
  • Secondary regulator for dispensing multiple kegs at the same pressure (requires an additional piece of equipment called a distribution bar, with 2-9 splitters)

✓ Depending on the type of connection

  • Plug-barb
  • Barb-plug
  • Barb-barb

Secondary Gas Regulators From BeverageCraft

We offer a wide variety of secondary air regulators - from a simple 1-way CO2 beer regulator to a commercial-grade double-gauge CO2 beer regulator, you will find everything you need to dispense beer in any volumes safely.

If you are looking for a particular dual-stage CO2 regulator or CO2 regulator parts and haven’t found it on our website, please write to us at to inquire about availability. We have new arrivals every week and are always here to help.